Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hi,  Joel & Connie here...we are retired, live part-time in Oregon & part-time in Punta Chivato and at the moment are up to our necks in packing issues (How many bags can we take?  Does my butt look big in this?  Wish I had cleavage for this dress!  Etc...)  We are looking forward to a GREAT cruzzzzzzzzzz!

This was our last cruise...much easier to pack for...altho we did have a few unexpected problems....Oops!!  Never even saw the iceberg!   (We sincerely hope that inverted boating is a Not-To-Be-Repeated-Been-There Done-That experience!)

1 comment:

Kathe W. said...

yes! Lets keep the dry side of the ship UP!!!